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About Moore North America

Moore North America

Moore North America is an association of accounting and consulting firms, and a member of Moore Global Network Limited (Moore Global). On a combined basis, Moore Global member revenue exceeds $3 billion, making it the eleventh largest accounting network in the world. Moore North America members are separate and independent firms based in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Moore North America does not provide professional services of any kind.  Services are provided by Moore North America's members, who are not legally bound to one another.

Moore North America's 28 member firms in the United States, Canada and Mexico have over 100 collective offices in most major North American markets and six member firms on the INSIDE Public Accounting Top 100 Firms list. The firms that comprise Moore North America are able to leverage their complimentary skill-sets to provide industry and technical expertise for domestically and globally active clients, enabling Moore North America member firms to compete with larger, national firms.

Moore North America's members are not members of the Moore Global network in their own right. Instead, they have access to the members and resources of Moore Global through their membership in Moore North America. This arrangement allows Moore North America members to maintain their unique names, branding and identities, who, through their membership in Moore North America, have access to a reputable source of industry and technical expertise to serve domestically and globally active clients.

When you think of an association containing intellectual capital tapped by professional service firms that cannot be duplicated, think of Moore North America. Moore North America firms share common values along with personal service and a strong knowledge and view of global business needs. We are helping you thrive in a changing world, tailored to fit your local, national and international needs, complete with a depth of technical expertise and industry knowledge within the accounting, auditing, tax and consulting services industries.

The Moore North America Executive Office is uniquely qualified to address member needs. Each member of the team has notable expertise in the accounting industry, effectively working together to impact member growth and development.

ellen_headshot_sq.png Ellen O'Sullivan
Executive Director
Megan-Carley.png Megan Carley
Head of Programs and Partnerships

Keri-Ann Moore
Learning and Development Program Manager

Amy Leden
Regional Coordinator
Michelle Parsley 
Marketing and Communications Coordinator 
Kalissa-Sq-(2).jpg Kalissa Wilson 
Events Coordinator 
Yvonne Scott
Technology and Digital Transformation Advisor

Moore Global Network Limited

At Moore, our purpose is to help people thrive – our clients, our people and the communities they live and work in. We’re a global accounting and advisory family with over 29,000 people in 547 offices across 113 countries, connecting and collaborating to take care of your needs – local, national and international.

When you work with Moore firms, you’ll work with people who care deeply about your success and who have the drive and dedication to deliver results for you and your business. You’ll have greater access to senior expertise than with many firms. We’ll be here for you whenever you need us – to help you see through the maze of information, to guide you in your decisions, and to make sure you take advantage of every opportunity. To help you thrive in a changing world.