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Moore North America Ranks 4th in the US for Associations

Moore North America Ranks 4th in the US for Associations

Moore North America Ranks 4th in the US for Associations

The IAB has confirmed Moore North America ranks 4th in the US for associations. In 2021, revenue from Moore North America firms increased 10% to USD 1,732.1m. Canada in particular experienced significant growth of 16%. With this increase, we are now ranked 3rd largest association in Canada.

Below is a breakdown of our fees by service line:

Audit: 25%
Accounting: 5%
Tax: 45%
Consulting: 19%
Other: 6%

“Our people are what set us apart as Moore. Firms are increasing inter-regional and cross border collaboration, which speaks to our culture of support and strong relationships. Collaboration makes us stronger as an association so we’re able to serve clients more effectively and efficiently wherever they are in the world,” says Ellen O’Sullivan, Executive Director, Moore North America.

The world survey, which was released in January 2022, confirmed Moore Global as the 12th largest network globally.

* Please note the regional grouping for North America is based on the IAB definitions and therefore does not include Mexico.


Moore North America is an association of accounting and consulting firms, and a member of Moore Global Network Limited. Moore North America members are separate and independent firms based in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Moore North America does not provide professional services of any kind. Services are provided by Moore North America's members, who are not legally bound to one another.